Peterborough, NH October 18-20, 2024
9:00-5:30pm Friday and Saturday, 9:00-5:00pm Sunday
Bodyworks at Depot Square, 12 Depot Square, Peterborough, NH
Scoliosis isn’t just a spinal issue, it is a total body pattern. Each pattern is unique and requires an individualized approach to make lasting changes in the body.
In this exciting new program for experienced massage therapists and Structural Integration Practitioners, we will discuss the three-dimensional nature of scoliosis, its etiology, diagnosis, progression, and treatment. Dr. Stephens combines concepts from structural integration and Schroth therapy with her knowledge of fascia and tensegrity to create a 3D , holistic treatment approach for a stronger, healthier and more lengthened alignment. Emphasis will be placed on using hands on soft tissue strategies to address restrictions and helping the client achieve the goals of improved body awareness, alignment, breath control and function in their daily lives.
In addition to traditional treatment on the table, this workshop will also include how to work with clients off the table in gravity to help them elongate their spine and address shortened tissues and simple home practices for your clients!
The course will focus on adults with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and degenerative lumbar scoliosis (DLS).